Sunday, July 7, 2024

Trend post : Denim skirt

When I first started this blog I would blog about anything and everything with not a care in the world. I didn't really think about numbers or how my posts would be received and I think that is when I enjoyed blogging the most. After some time, I started being heavily influenced by what other bloggers were doing and what I thought were "proper"blog topics. Needless to say, I sucked all the life and joy out of a hobby that once brought me so much excitement.

At first, blogging was an outlet for writing about fashion and beauty and those silly little posts were my lifeline. I use to do these "fashion inspiration" posts and simply putting them together brought me a sense of peace. So I thought, why not go back to basics? Why not blog for the sake of blogging and for the sake of simply enjoying it. 

Welcome to my latest fashion post!

I have been living in my denim skirt lately and I have spent so much time looking for new ways to wear it. I used to make these scrapbooks as a kid with all the looks and quotes that inspired me and my blog has very much became my digital scrapbook. These are all the "denim skirt" inspired looks I love at the moment and I hope you enjoy this little snippet into the things that make me happy!

*Disclaimer : I do not take credit for the images in this post


Trend post : Denim skirt

When I first started this blog I would blog about anything and everything with not a care in the world. I didn't really think about numb...