Tuesday, May 3, 2022

BEAUTY: #7days7faces - Bronzed Up

Make up has always been my safe space. There is nothing I don't love about it. So needless to say when the time came for @Foyin's #7days7faces I was ecstatic to take part. It's not a new concept, but up to now something has been holding me back from participating. That something was performance anxiety. On the previous occasions I have seen the most amazing work, not only from Foyin, but also from everyone taking part. To be frank, I was worried I would suck.

Nevertheless, I decided that this would be the time I finally participate. I was beyond excited. With my skin moisturized and my make up brushes washed, I planned my look for the first challenge: BRONZED UP. I wanted to do something that I would not do on a normal day. I wanted the look to be fun and creative. So I armed  myself with tons of cream and powder bronzer and, much to my son's amusement, this is what I came up with. 

The sad part is that I got really sick and couldn't participate in the other challenges. There were a few that I was rather eager to interpret , but I got to live vicariously through the other participants. The internet can be a cruel place but this concept, the whole idea, was the exact opposite. It felt like a celebration of sorts, It goes without saying, sick or not sick, I will be going the extra mile to participate in the next one. Please enjoy some pictures from the only challenge I managed. For me,  out of 1 out of 7 was good enough. 

I would love to participate in a few more make up challenges this year. Are there any challenges you participate in without hesitation? I would love to here from you.



Nithin RS said...

I have been reading poems with bronze looks. You look good in this bronze makeup. Don't lose heart. Try the next challenge.

Fransic Verso said...

I'm sorry you couldn't participate in the challenges. My friend loves to do make-up as well. She always learns new things about it.

Lauren Vogel said...

Thank you for reading. I really appreciate the kind words 😊

Elizabeth said...

You look awesome!! I love it! I’m always so scared to post too! I’m glad you went for it and you should definitely do more!✨

Lauren Vogel said...

Thank you for reading :) I will definitely be doing alot more of these challenges.

Molly | Transatlantic Notes said...

I hope you get to take part in some new challenges that come along; I'm sure there will be many more. I always admire people who are really creative or good at doing their make-up (I'm really basic at it, haha) ao it's great to have this interest!

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