Sunday, July 7, 2024

Trend post : Denim skirt

When I first started this blog I would blog about anything and everything with not a care in the world. I didn't really think about numbers or how my posts would be received and I think that is when I enjoyed blogging the most. After some time, I started being heavily influenced by what other bloggers were doing and what I thought were "proper"blog topics. Needless to say, I sucked all the life and joy out of a hobby that once brought me so much excitement.

At first, blogging was an outlet for writing about fashion and beauty and those silly little posts were my lifeline. I use to do these "fashion inspiration" posts and simply putting them together brought me a sense of peace. So I thought, why not go back to basics? Why not blog for the sake of blogging and for the sake of simply enjoying it. 

Welcome to my latest fashion post!

I have been living in my denim skirt lately and I have spent so much time looking for new ways to wear it. I used to make these scrapbooks as a kid with all the looks and quotes that inspired me and my blog has very much became my digital scrapbook. These are all the "denim skirt" inspired looks I love at the moment and I hope you enjoy this little snippet into the things that make me happy!

*Disclaimer : I do not take credit for the images in this post


Thursday, November 30, 2023

Life begins at...Sobriety?

That seems to be the case for me. Let me start by saying, had it not been for a near death experience, I would certainly not be writing this post. I suppose that's how many of these stories start. With some life altering event catapulting you in to changing your old ways . I liked who I was when I was drinking which is probably why I failed twice before at my attempts to stay sober. Not that I was exactly binge drinking every day, but it became increasingly difficult to not want to liven up every occasion with alcohol. A quick lunch, a sports gathering and even a regular old movie night. These events all felt rather bland without a drink or 6.

Like I said, when I had alcohol in my system: I was amazing. Confident, funny, charming and very interesting. At least that is what I thought. Somehow I had convinced myself that that was the best version of me. A couple of drinks in and I felt like Rihanna. No really, that was literally my alter ego. But the high was fleeting and the following day brought a mixture of regret and disgust. I don't know if its just me, but when you get older, you just don't recover the same way anymore.

The most difficult part for me when it came to quitting alcohol was learning how to like my sober self. This was no easy task because, when you are sober, all the things you find undesirable about yourself becomes illuminated.  I found myself excruciatingly dull when I was sober. I couldn't make jokes, lacked the confidence to hold conversations and I couldn't dance. That last one really annoyed me because I loved dancing, but when I was sober, I was too self conscious to do it and enjoy it. My appearance was also suffering. I never had the energy to work out and when you are hungover, taking care of your appearance is rather low on your to do list. Not to mention the post drinking depression left little room for anything else. The smallest tasks became tedious.

I suppose my main reason for writing this post is for accountability. By that I mean I am holding myself accountable this time and not doing it for the benefit of others. My sobriety is still in its infancy and who knows how long I will stay on the wagon, but I am finally starting to appreciate who I am as a sober person. I am still fun and not just reckless. I'm not only learning to hold meaningful conversations, I also remember what was said during these conversations. I have time and energy to enjoy new hobbies and take new online courses. I am learning that I am pretty amazing whether I am drinking or not.

I even danced in public the other day!


Disclaimer : not everyone's journey will be the same. Some will find it nearly impossible to quit. If you suspect you have a alcohol abuse problem, there is no shame in seeking professional help. Reach out and get the support you deserve. 

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

How you can benefit from Clarins' Double Serum!

A few weeks ago I received this amazing package from the Clarins team containing their iconic double serum and the new double serum light texture and I was thrilled! Apart from the gorgeous packaging, I was blown away by the ingredients. The unique formula consists of 21 powerful plant extracts and boosts the skin's 5 vital functions:


The non greasy oil and melting gel absorbs easily into the skin without leaving any residue. The formula also visibly fights the signs of aging. I'm in my thirties now so I gravitate towards products that increases my skin elasticity and shrink my pores.

So what makes the double serum such a cult favourite you might ask? The uplifting fragrance and the bottle specially designed to limit waste was enough to sway me but the formula also:  

* Visibly firms and reduces wrinkles
*Revives radiance, restores evenness and diminishes the look of pores
*Preserves the skin beauty and youthful aspect.

I was smitten from the first use. My skin felt plump, hydrated and looked like I had just returned from a rather expensive facial. Both the double serum and the double serum light texture are packed with amazing ingredients & benefits and the only difference is the texture. The "light texture'' is a lighter version of the original double serum and is perfect  for morning use or in the warmer months. I prefer using the other one at night. After the first week I could see a monumental improvement in my skin and I can guarantee you that it is definitely worth the investment. It even lasts a long time because you literally only need a drop or two. I'll be keeping the double serum in my skincare routine for as long as I can. There is no going back now!


30ml- R1185
50ml- R1600
75ml- R2225


Tuesday, May 16, 2023

My Avon favourites

If you read my blog, I'm sure by now you are aware how much I love Avon products. I use the products  on a daily basis and , although not all of them are always hits, there are a few that I will continue to buy as long as I can.  In today's post I wanted to share a few mini reviews and share exactly why I love them. Ill be honest, when it comes to beauty products, I have a very short attention span and I want to buy new things all the time,  but I have been using these for a while now so I feel comfortable sharing my reviews.

I wear sunblock religiously now even though it took me a while to get into the habit. I wear it even when the weather is gloomy and even when I spend most of my day inside. Needless to say, I wanted to find a sunblock that not only agreed with my skin, but loved it as well. This one from  Avon is super moisturising, water resistant, fast-absorbing, suitable for face and body with SPF 50 for high sun protection. It also provides wide protection against UVA/UVB rays .I love how it smells and especially how it leaves my skin feeling.

The Planet Spa range from Avon is one of my favourite ranges just because of how decadent and luxurious it is. It's luxury on a budget. When it comes to face masks I am not very big on peel-off masks. I prefer the wash off kind, but this one pleasantly surprised me. I will say that the smell caught me off guard, but the radiant spice, exotic orchid and oudh scent really left my skin feeling refreshingly energized. The mask lifts out dirt and impurities. I use once a week and I always end up with glowing skin.

* I would recommend keeping it away from your eye area if they are on the sensitive side.

This is by far the nicest hand lotion I have ever used. This one is also from the Planet Spa Aromatherapy range and contains essentials oils of French Lavender and chamomile. I have decided to be fancy like the people in the movies and put on hand lotion before bed. Apparently the fragrance was created to "transport you to a dimension of serenity and relaxation and prepare you for a good night's rest" which is why it made sense for me to use it at night. I always wake up with gorgeous, soft hands.

I have tried my fair share of Avon fragrances and this is one of the most memorable. Not only do I adore the floral packaging, I was ecstatic when I realised it doesn't make me sneeze like some scents do. The notes consists of neroli flowers ( fragrant white flower blossoms of bitter orange trees), magnolia and amber and that makes for a fragrance that is both striking and feminine. This is definitely the type of fragrance you gift yourself or someone special in your life. 

Shop here : Avon online shop

Like I said I am an avid Avon user because I love the convenience of not having to leave my house to shop for the products. I also appreciate not having to compromise on quality and not breaking the bank. Do you use Avon products? What is your favourite Avon product at the moment? I would love to hear from you.


Friday, March 17, 2023

THE YEAR Of (hell) YES!

  I have let myself go. And I don't just mean in a physical way. For too long I have let my mind tell me things about myself that were simply not true. I started to inwardly criticize every inch of my body, but I never made an effort to change anything about my appearance. I can't even blame having a baby anymore because the kid is twelve years old. Fashion used to be my happy place. There was a time when I was so confident that I could pull off anything. A time when I really enjoyed getting dressed and exploring new trends.

Over the last few years that feeling just disappeared and there is a multitude of reasons for that. Because my mental health was declining, I spent more time indoors. Pair that with a job that took almost all  my time and all I wanted to do in my spare time was rest. Needless to say I put on extra weight. Now don't get me wrong, the fact that I put on weight was not the issue. The issue was that I didn't like my body at all. I loathed getting dressed just as much as I disliked exercise. Naturally, when I did go out, I would be on the receiving end of a few snide remarks. That made me want to go into hibernation and never return. At first I thought I could use those remarks to fuel my passion to get fit. That feeling was rather short-lived and the hatred for my body grew stronger. The problem with doing things to prove to other people is that they become your main focus.

Here I was trying to prove to everyone that I could get back to looking good (by society standards) and resenting my body for not complying. I was a disaster. I can't pinpoint exactly what triggered the change, but a few months ago I decided to be kinder to myself. After two years of living through a pandemic, the things and opinions that seemed important once, suddenly didn't. I started be more aware of the dialogue I was having with myself. If I could not be decent towards myself, how did I expect anyone else to be? I started eating better and my son became my work out buddy. We have started doing not-so-strenuous workouts 5 days a week and I thank God for him. Half of the time I am laughing so much that I forget how much I used to despise any kind of movement. I am also more conscious about what I put into my body. I'm not dieting, but everyday I  crave healthy food more and more. And of course I reward myself for making these changes because even just starting was difficult. 

The biggest change I have made so far is my mindset. It struck me one day that what people thought of my was not currency. I could not buy anything with anyone's approval and even if I did have it, it certainly did not add any value to my life. Sadly, most of the time the people trying to bring you down (whether on purpose or not) are those  closest to you and I have had to start avoiding certain people as well. Listen, you can't control how people view you or how much they respect you ,but you can control what you allow and what you expose yourself to. In time, perhaps negative comments will not bother me, but for now my healing process is still in it's infancy and needs to be protected and nurtured .

This year is a year of completely demolishing every single harmful habit and rebuilding. From the ground up. It's a year of showing myself the same grace that I show others. It's a year of knowing that I too deserve kindness and goodness. It's the year of HELL yes!

These images are from a campaign I did for Bramley Cosmeticts 
recently. I love them so much!


Saturday, March 11, 2023

BEAUTYHACKS that changed my life!

 Beauty, along with fashion, could always cheer me up even on my worst days. As a teenager I wasn't afraid to experiment or explore with new beauty trends. Naturally, it didn't always work out for the best but, it gave me a chance to see what does work.

Scouring the internet and reading other blogs and magazines helped me discover beauty hacks that has made my life easier. As you grow older your beauty needs and preferences will no doubt change, but looking put together will always be in style. In this post I'd like share some of my favourite and most treasured beauty tips.

Fill in and shape your brows

I have never considered filling in my brows before reading about it on beauty blogs. It gave my face a whole new look. I tried powder but, a pencil is definitely better for me. Groomed brows frame the eyes and makes a huge difference to any face. What's even better now  is that there are more permanent options now like brow tinting or tattooing so you can knock of a few minutes off your make up routine.

*Wear a primer+ setting spray

Like I have said in my previous post, I have never found primer to be much of a necessity but, after discovering a few cult favourites I don't go without it. Not only does it make your foundation look a million times better but, some primers you can even wear without foundation and look amazing. The exact same goes for a setting spray. Its like putting a very delicious cherry on an already delicious cake.

*Invest in a good foundation

Nothing is worse than a foundation that's either the wrong shade or one that does not give proper coverage. You might have to spend a little extra time and money in order to find a suitable foundation but, it will be worth it. Also, make sure you put foundation on your neck and ears too. You don't want to be walking around like it's your face with someone else's neck. Spend time testing foundations and finding the correct colour. This is a marathon, not a sprint.

*Put your dry shampoo on the night before
I have made this mistake many times. Putting dry shampoo on in the morning and heading out. My hair would end up looking all powdery and dull. Now I make sure I put it on the night before so the product has enough time to work. This doesn't happen with all dry shampoos but, I would rather not take the chance.

*Wear lipstick when you can

I used to be the girl that never wore lipstick. Now, I own way too many to even excuse. I have so many shades and it perks up my mood and face even when I'm not wearing other make up. Lipstick is a confidence booster. 

*Take care of your skin

For me, this is probably the most important one because no amount of make up will make you feel as good as having healthy good looking skin. In fact, the better you take care of your skin, the better your make up will look and the more confident you will feel. This includes wearing sunblock everyday, drinking tons water, never going to bed with makeup on and getting enough sleep to name a few. Trust me on this one.

What are some of your go to beauty hacks? The ones that you swear by and pass on every chance that you get. Do share them with me. I would love to hear from you.


* I do not take credit for the images in this post

Saturday, March 4, 2023

REVIEW :Avon's #Hydramatic Matte Lipstick


Are you tired of matte lipsticks that leave you tight lipped with nothing to smile about? Wouldn't you love to stop lugging around lip balm because your matte lipstick delivers absolutely no moisture and ends up feathering? The lipstick gods and @avonsouthafrica has yet again delivered!!!

Say hello to the gorgeous #HydramaticLipstick from @avonsouthafrica. The unique hydrating hyaluronic core inside the lipstick provides all the moisture of a lip balm without any of the fuss. Superior colour without the cracked lips.

Don't just take my word for it though. Join the #HydramaticLipstick conversation and see exactly how many other people love the new #Hydramatic Lipstick.💄💄

Shades in the picture: Rosy, Garnet, Purple💄

For the next few weeks I'll be reviewing these gorgeous lipsticks, but in the meantime you can click on the link here to read about the lipstick. 


Saturday, February 25, 2023

REVIEW: Garnier Micellar Oil Infused Cleansing Water

 Every once in a while I find a product that completely ticks all the boxes for me. It's inexpensive, easy to use, delivers everything it promises to and it just makes me life easier in general. Garnier Micellar Oil-Infused Cleansing Water does exactly that.

It can be used to pre-cleanse or as a stand alone product. Either way it effectively removes your make up without having to rub your whole face off. Let me explain how the product works.

Garnier makes use of micelles and these act like magnets to remove make up and dirt. The amazing thing about this cleansing water is that it contains oil so it's perfect for dry, sensitive skin. Not only does it cleanse without having to rinse, it also nourishes the skin. It's  efficient but ,gentle and you get a lot of use out of the product (400ml=200 uses).

Essentially there is really nothing bad I can say about this cleansing water. Apart from the fact that it smells great, you can really feel and see the difference. It retails for R89, 95 which makes it easy to repurchase. It was definitely worth the purchase. Have you used this product before?  I would love to hear from you!

*Disclaimer- the products mentioned in this post was purchased by me and not sponsored. The views expressed are completely my own.


Sunday, January 22, 2023

Live Boldly : A Revlon Colorstay Review

 How often do you get to dabble in the magic of makeup while improving the condition of your skin? Not too long ago I was gifted 3 foundations and 2 concealers from Revlon and putting them to the test has been an absolute joy. I've been using the products for the last couple of weeks and the shades are 008 True Beige, 009 Natural Tan and 010 Toast and, out of the 3, the best fit for my skin is shade 009 Natural Tan. 

Let me tell you about the foundation. Imagine meeting up with an old friend after some time apart and feeling like no time has passed at all. Having been the first foundation I ever bought, I already trusted the brand. It was familiar and still had all the qualities that I loved, but somehow became even better. The skincare elements was really appealing.

The variation I received is for normal /dry skin and contains Hyaluronic acid and spf20. When you reach your thirties your skin needs a little extra help with looking after itself which is why I was happy that wearing a full face of makeup would not throw a spanner in the works. Quite the opposite in fact! The Hyaluronic acid helps skin stretch and flex and reduces wrinkles and fine lines, while the spf20 protects my skin from sun damage. The application is super easy and it gives of a  naturally flawless finish. It does not rub off: not even when I sweat. This meant I didn't have to keep re-applying during the day. Anything that saves me time gets my vote.

Colorstay Skin Awaken 5 in 1 Concealer

A concealer can really make or break your whole look so it's essential that you have a concealer that covers imperfections well, but doesn't end up being ''cakey''. I was really impressed with the Revlon concealer. The two shades I received is 055 Latte and 076 Caramel and it is  effective enough to wear on its own. Not only does it brighten and hydrate, but it also blends really well and survives the whole day. These two shades together are also perfect for contouring which is why I have started to do it recently. I like that it has a sponge applicator as opposed to the wand. 

The Revlon Colorstay Awaken 5 in 1 concealer offers full coverage for an all day wide awake look. It now contains caffeine and vitamin C and the updated formula is a game changer. In fact, both of these products have suprised me pleasantly and I will no doubt be keeping them both in my makeup routine.  It is refreshing to not have to pretend you like a product just for the sake of optics.

Foundation retail price: R325

Concealer retail price: R179.95

Available at Clicks, Dis-Chem Pharmacies, Foschini Beauty, Edgars Beauty. Takealot and Superbalist

Have you used either of these Revlon products? What was your experience? I would love to her from you.


Thursday, January 12, 2023

LIFE : Looking forward to the new year

Hi everyone and welcome to my first look post for 2023! Last year I decided that I would post more look posts regardless of how I felt about it. This was what I was wearing for the last day (Saturday) of 2022 and I spent the day just hanging out at my mom's house.

I absolutely love this dress especially because it has shoulder pads. Dresses are really easy to dress up or down which is why it is always my go-to. This one also has a detachable belt which is an added bonus. No doubt I will be spending alot of time in this dress.

I decided to add the printed gladiator sandals and bag to bring a bit of colour to the chocolate brown dress and, because we spent the day at home, I decided that gold hoops as the only accessories would suffice. I loved how I felt in the whole outfit and I think my braided hair added to the easy casual vibe. 

Also how cute is my make up!

Dress &bag: Choice Clothing
Sandals (old) : Foschini
Earrings: The Fix

I am slowly but surely getting back into the swing of things. I'm working out so I feel a lot better in the clothes I wear and I am not focused on what other people think anymore. 2023 is definitely the year for exploring and having fun with fashion and I look forward to that. Here's to a brave new year.


Tuesday, November 8, 2022


I always enter the festive season with the intention of getting my gifting situation sorted early. I plan on buying and wrapping my gifts early and not leaving it to the very last minute. Needless to say, things rarely go according to plan, and this year has been no different. Luckily for me, this year I don't have to panic. Avon has come to my rescue!

Avon gifting has something for everyone. Whether you are looking to spoil your parents or nieces and nephews: the variety of options will make the task much easier. Their gifting options range from world class fragrances to luxurious bath essentials and everything in between. I recently joined the #ChooseAvonGifting campaign and I am super excited to share the gifts I received.

I think the absolute best thing about it is that I get to forgo busy shopping malls and long queues. And so  can you. You can shop online using my link and relax while your gifts are delivered straight to your door. It's that simple!

Really liked this makeup. 

So what are waiting for? #ChooseAvonGifting right this second and spread the joy this festive season. Follow the conversation by searching for the #ChooseAvonGifting hashtag on social media and see just how many gifting gurus have chosen Avon this season.

I would love some support on my socials.

Instagram: laurenvogel
Twitter : @CkoBlog


Trend post : Denim skirt

When I first started this blog I would blog about anything and everything with not a care in the world. I didn't really think about numb...